Reliable • Professional • Organised
Employed at Natal Stainless Steel Wadeville. We take our work seriously and therefore take responsibility for what we publish and do. We will: • Provide good product range and prices • Take the risk out of the transaction • Prove our integrity ... Wim & Kevin
Friday, July 29, 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Chinese Pipe & Indian Round Bar… Save those frequent flier miles and hold onto your job.
The Global Economy as a Movie
The plot may seem familiar, as globalization threatens to drive down wages everywhere. But that sad outcome has a happy alternative
Movie directors sometimes shoot two endings to a film, undecided about which to use until the very last minute. Jaws, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Bride of Frankenstein, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and the 2004 film The Terminal all had alternative endings. In the Casablanca everyone knows, Ingrid Bergman leaves Humphrey Bogart, but in another ending Bogart got the girl.
In some ways, it feels like we're in the middle of a movie made by some deranged economist, and we don't know yet if we're going to get the happy ending or the sad one. Does the rise of China and India supercharge global growth, or will all the new competition pull down wages in the industrialized world? Is this period going to be titled the The Bright Dawn or The Big Squeeze?
Click here to go to this story.
Can stainless steel be used at very low and very high temperatures?
Answer: Yes. Stainless steel has excellent properties at both extremes of the temperature scale. Stainless steel can be used down to liquid nitrogen temperatures and up to about 1800° F.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
10. Enunciate your words – Speak clearly. Don’t mumble. If people are always saying, “huh,” to you, you are mumbling.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 19 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 14170
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 13900
3 MONTHS SELLER - $ 13905
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6804
The Key To Print Preview
Many of us find the Print Preview option in MS Word a very useful feature.
It's an excellent way to double check your layout before you waste paper and ink/toner printing something that really isn't ready to go.
I don't know about you, but I usually get to the Print Preview window either through the File menu or by using the button on the Standard Toolbar.
But today I stumbled across a keyboard shortcut that my readers who prefer to go mouseless will want to know about.
Next time try Ctrl + F2.
You should be taken straight to the Print Preview window. No fuss, no muss.
Want to return to your regular editing window in Word?
Try Ctrl + F2 again.
Bam! You're right back to where you started.
"Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care." William Safire
Explained: Does indiscriminate use of the Thesaurus relate to unawareness of the right click of the mouse on the expression, or, indifference to the fact that synonym and antonym are often displayed? Acquaintance with this information could be bothersome and incommodious.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Just a few questions to ask yourself .
Click on the heading to go there
What's Your Dream Job?
Everybody probably has one, but not many folks know how to go about pinning it down. Here's help in figuring it out
"One day I'd like to..." How would you answer that question? Now is the time to fill in the blank, no matter how crazy or farfetched your answer might be. The responses just might provide a nugget of a dream-job
13. What does the term "CRES" mean?
Answer: CRES is something used to designate stainless steel. It stands for Corrosion RESistant steel. It does not necessarily mean that the steel is in fact stainless steel as there are other materials that are corrosion resistant but not stainless steel.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
`9. Don’t send mixed messages – Make your words, gestures, facial expressions, tone, and message match. Disciplining an employee while smiling sends a mixed message and, therefore, is ineffective. If you have to deliver a negative message, make your words, facial expressions, and tone match the message.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 18 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 14525
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 14300
3 MONTHS SELLER - $ 14350
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6924
Thanks again Steve… You won’t believe how many folders I have open while preparing my Blogs… Wim
Folder Jumpin'
I don't know about you, but I'm always jumping from one folder to another. First I was here, then I was there, then I thought I was here when I was really there, then I took a break and found some aspirin.
During said break, I realized that the folders I was hopping between were the same two or three folders all the time. Hmm...
So, I decided to make things easier on myself and create shortcuts to my main folders within each folder. That way, no matter which folder I was messing around with, the other ones were only a mouse click away.
How'd I do it? I dragged, I dropped, and I smiled (the last part is optional, but it does make you feel better :-)
Anyhow, here's the blow by blow:
To make this easier to follow, let's say you want to be able to jump from a folder named "work" to one named "fun". OK, ready?
1. First, using My Computer, open the "work" folder. Easy enough.
2. Next, open a second My Computer window and navigate to the folder you want to jump to—in this case the "fun" folder. However, this time, don't open the folder—just get to the point where you can grab it with your mouse.
3. Now, using your RIGHT mouse button, drag and drop the "fun" folder into the "work" folder. When you release the right mouse button, you'll get a little menu that lets you decide what to do with the item you're about to drop. Select "Create Shortcuts Here".
Again, be sure to right click or you'll end up moving the "fun" folder into the "work" folder.
That's it. With a click of your mouse, you can now jump from the "work" folder to the "fun" folder anytime you want. Since it may be useful to jump the other direction (like when the boss walks in), you may want to repeat the process, only this time put a shortcut to the "work" folder in the "fun" folder.
Whew, all this talk about jumping has me itching to find a bungee cord and a bridge (kidding).
~ Steve
Two and two continue to make four, in spite of the whine of the amateur for three, or the cry of the critic for five.- Jame McNeil Whistler
Explained: ∑= 4… Where A2 = 1 and A3 has a value of 2. A4 can in this situation or circumstance have an equivalent value thus: A4 = 2 and A5 = 3: The malevolence of Excel persisting to do so pending the misconstrued application of the $ sign as an absolute reference.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Parents, get your children to read... A book with 600 pages... Yeah, right!
Click the heading for the link to the original article
JUL. 17 4:35 P.M. ET
The new Harry Potter book sold an astonishing 6.9 million copies in its first 24 hours, smashing the record held by the previous Potter release. "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" averaged better than 250,000 sales per hour, more than the vast majority of books sell in a lifetime.
"This is a cause for celebration, not just for Scholastic, but for book lovers everywhere," said Lisa Holton, president of Scholastic Children's Books, Rowling's U.S. publisher.
Sales for the sixth installment of J.K. Rowling's fantasy series easily outpaced those for Potter V, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," which came out in 2003 and sold 5 million copies in the first 24 hours. Acknowledging that some stores quickly ran out of books two years ago, Scholastic has already increased the print run for "Half-Blood Prince" from 10.8 million copies to 13.5 million.The Scholastic numbers are for the United States only. Sales figures from Britain are expected Monday
What is the "annealed" condition?
Answer: Stainless steel is usually sold in the "annealed" condition. It just means that the material is in the "soft" or annealed condition. The 300 series of stainless steels can not be hardened by heat treatment (like carbon steels) but can be hardened by cold working. This cold work can be eliminated by a heating treatment (annealing) that will restore the original soft condition.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
8. Use gestures – Make your whole body talk. Use smaller gestures for individuals and small groups. The gestures should get larger as the group that one is addressing increases in size.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 15 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 14450
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 14300
3 MONTHS SELLER - $ 14305
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6948
Useful Computer Tip I found on the internet. Thanks April…
Underline With Pizzazz In MS Word
Have you ever wished you had a better way to emphasize your point? (Besides raising your voice of course. MS Word seems pretty immune to that tactic.
You've done the normal bold, color change and underline thing. But, this time you're looking for a little something "extra". (Like the "sprinkles" my niece likes to decorate cakes with. Just that little extra touch.)
Good, because I've got a possible solution for you!
How about a different underline for a change of pace?
Instead of the old stand-by here's a few of the others you can try on for size:
So, now you that you know you have options, let's get to the "how to".
Once you've decided what text should be underlined, highlight it.
Now it's time to get busy with the underlining.
Go to the Format menu, Font choice. (Alt, O then F will also do the trick.)
On the Font tab locate the Underline field.
Take a good look.
Do you see it?
Did you notice the drop-down menu arrow?
Click it.
Note that this list has a scroll bar so the list contains more choices than you can see at once.
Either way - pick the underline style of your choice then click OK.
Presto Change-o!
You have an eye-catching underline that really packs a punch.
~ April
When all else fails, read the instructions.
- Cahn's Axiom
Explained: Be it Clippit, Rocky the Dog, Einstein the Genius or the F1 Key, One will be steered into a labyrinth of associated links proving that the artificial intelligence provided will silently ascertain if one desires to “see more”!
Friday, July 15, 2005
Is the cost worth it?
Click on the title for the original article
For all those inventors out there
NASA's Publication Spinoff
Spinoff is NASA's annual premiere publication featuring successfully commercialized NASA technology. For more than 40 years, the NASA Commercial Technology Program has facilitated the transfer of NASA technology to the private sectors. The resulting commercialization has contributed to the development of commercial products and services in the fields of health and medicine, industry, consumer goods, computer technology, and environment. Through distribution and outreach activities, NASA technology has benefited global competition and the economy. Since 1976, Spinoff has featured between 40 and 50 of these commercial products annually. Spinoff maintains a searchable database of every technology published since its inception.
What does the "L" designation mean?
The use of the letter L after the grade number, i.e., 304L, means that the carbon content is restricted to a MAXIMUM of 0.03% (normal levels are 0.08% max. and in some grades can be as high as 0.15% max.). This lower level of carbon is usually used where "welding" will be performed. The lower level of carbon helps to prevent the chromium from being depleted (by forming chrome carbides at the weld site) and therefore allow it to remain over 10 ½% so it can form the "passive" oxide layer that gives stainless its corrosion resistance.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
7. Make eye contact – One technique to help with this is to consciously look into one of the listener’s eyes and then move to the other. Going back and forth between the two makes your eyes appear to sparkle. Another trick is to imagine a letter “T” on the listener’s face with the cross bar being an imaginary line across the eyebrows and the vertical line coming down the center of the nose. Keep your eyes scanning that “T” zone.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 14 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 14705
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 14550
3 MONTHS SELLER - $ 14575
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6840
Passwords for individual files in MS Word.
1. In the Menu Bar go to Tools
2. Click on Options…
Choose the Save Tab and at the bottom enter a password to either Open the document or to Modify the document.
Seeing consists of the grasping of structural features rather than the indiscriminate recording of detail.
- Rudolf Arnheim
Explained: Distinguishing the materialistic insertion of “WordArt” relative to the unsystematic reproduction of database dynamic.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
In S.A. a POTTER is a 'DRINKER' and in America a 'SMOKER of POT'. In England 'HARRY' is a young Prince who does both... and gets caught.
Click the Heading for the original article.
Bookseller to Move Harry Potter Launch
By Associated Press July 13 2005, 1:33 PM CDT
LONDON -- A British bookseller said Wednesday that it would move a launch party planned for the sixth Harry Potter book away from a central London train station that was involved in last week's terrorist bombings.
What is the recycle content of stainless steel?
Stainless steel can be recycled 100%. That is all stainless steel can be re-melted to make a new stainless steel. The typical amount of recycled stainless steel "scrap" that is used to make new stainless steel is between 65 & 80%.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
6. Use the right words – If you’re not sure of the meaning of a word, don’t use it. Start a program of learning a new word a day. Use it sometime in your conversations during the day.
ME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 13 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 14825
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 14625
3 MONTHS SELLER - $ 14650
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6816
To return to a previous editing location - Microsoft Word.
Press Shift+F5 until you reach the location you want. Word remembers the last 3 locations where you typed or edited text. Shift+F5 returns the insertion point to each of the previous locations in turn, then returns to the original position
When people you greatly admire appear to be thinking deep thoughts, they probably are thinking about lunch.- Rule of the Great
Explained: Whilst the inhabitants you significantly have a high regard for emerge philosophising great judgment with online collaboration the cross reference would be the emphasis of the Menu Bar.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Space Shuttle Discovery
We are just going to have to be patient. It didn't happen.
Click the heading to get the full story
Today show
Updated: 11:18 a.m. ET July 13, 2005
What does the future hold for the U.S. space program? NBC’s Robert Hager takes a look at how NASA may keep reaching for the stars.
If the Bush administration has it's way, in spite of all the excitement at the Cape Canaveral, Discovery’s launch could really be "the beginning of the end" for the shuttles: the start of a final five years of flights, before they're grounded, for a more ambitious plan building a new, replacement spacecraft to get astronauts back to the moon, and one day, on to Mars.
Critics argue that the shuttles are getting old and besides, they can't reach any higher than the International Space Station, which – by the way – detractors say has been a bum project, costing billions without a single, important scientific breakthrough.
The following information was supplied by a customer… Thanks Deon…
Molybdenum is a metallic element which is most frequently used as an alloying addition in alloy and stainless steels. Its alloying versatility is unmatched because its addition enhances strength, hardenability, weldability, toughness, elevated temperature strength and corrosion resistance.
Although Molybdenum is primarily used in steels, its complex and unique properties have proved invaluable in a constantly expanding range of other alloy systems and chemicals.
One of the unique features of Molybdenum, as distinct from other heavy metals, is that laboratory tests have shown its compounds to be of low toxicity.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
5. Pronounce your words correctly – People will judge your competency through your vocabulary. If you aren’t sure how to say a word, don’t use it.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 12 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 15190
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 14995
3 MONTHS SELLER - $ 15000
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6744
Change the default unit of measure
You can set the default unit of measure (for example, inches or points) that Microsoft Word uses for measurements you enter in dialog boxes and for the Word rulers.
On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the General tab.
In the Measurement units box, click the option you want.
Note To change the default unit of measure in dialog boxes to pixels, select the Show pixels for HTML features check box.
A Nation . . . is just a society for hating foreigners.- Olaf Stapledon
EXPLAINED: Microsoft Office… The social order for the complete disregard of Lotus or Sun
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
People who like this sort of thing, will find this the sort of thing they like.
A New Scientific Understanding Has Arrived!
Click to heading for the original story in the NY Times.
There has long been a serious dissatisfaction with our scientific knowledge and beliefs, both from mainstream scientists and science enthusiasts alike. Our scientists' response is to merely invent often wild, abstract, fanciful theories (warped space-time, quantum mechanics, time-dilation, and now "Dark Matter", "Dark Energy", etc.), while amateur enthusiasts often invent their own "alternate theories" that typically end up in the "crank"or "crackpot" category. Either way, both approaches have left us with quite a scientific mess.
The Final Theory is a new science book that breaks the mold entirely. It does not align itself with today's fanciful science, yet is a best-selling science book based on very sound logic and solid scientific principles. It is the first truly viable answer to all the confusion, mysteries, and head-scratching found in today's science. See the truth for yourself .. read the free first chapter of The Final Theory and finally begin to understand your world.
Can Stainless steel be "hardened"?
YES. The 300 series stainless steel can be "hardened" BUT only by "work hardening." That is by cold working the material, either by cold rolling down to lighter and lighter gauges, or by "drawing" through a die or other size altering operation. "Annealing" stainless steel will REMOVE the work hardening effect. YES and NO. The 400 series have two different stainless steel structures. One is called "ferritic" (409, 430, 434. 439) which cannot be hardened by heat treatment. The other is called "martensitic" (403, 410, 416, 420, & 440 A,B,C) which CAN be hardened by heat treatment. See "Design Guidelines for The Selection and Use of Stainless Steel" for more information.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
4. Use appropriate volume – Use a volume that is appropriate for the setting. Speak more softly when you are alone and close. Speak louder when you are speaking to larger groups or across larger spaces.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 11 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 15020
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 14800
3 MONTHS SELLER - $ 14805
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6720
Keys for sending e-mail
Use the following keys (if you are e-mailing a document or a message) when the e-mail header is active. To activate the e-mail header, press SHIFT+TAB.
ALT+S ... Send the active document or message
CTRL+SHIFT+B ... Open the Address Book
ALT+K ... Check the names on the To, Cc and Bcc lines against the Address Book
ALT+. (period) ... Open the Address Book in the To field
ALT+C ... Opens the Address Book in the Cc field
ALT+B ... Open the Address Book in the Bcc field
ALT+J ... Go to the Subject field
ALT+P ... Open the Microsoft Outlook Message Options dialog box (in a message, View menu, Options command)
ALT+P ... Open the Microsoft Outlook Message Options dialog box (in a message, View menu, Options command)
CTRL+SHIFT+G ... Create a message flag
TAB ... Select the next box in the e-mail header or the body of the document or message when the last box in the e-mail header is active
SHIFT+TAB ... Select the previous field or button in the e-mail header
Rainbows apologize for angry skies.- Sylvia A. Viorol
Explained: The palette of nature will act contrite in Microsoft Paint.
(Sorry... I just can't think of anything better tonight... Wim)
Monday, July 11, 2005
Thanks to all the customers who accepted my Email and especially those who had a look at the BLOG. Mine might not be the best there is but, hey, it’s better than no blog at all. Hopefully it will improve in time and the best way for that to happen is if you send me your comments.
Can stainless steel be "welded"?
YES. Stainless steel is easily welded, but the welding procedure is different than that used with carbon steel. The "filler" rod or electrode must be stainless steel. (Contact the American Welding Society for more information)
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
3. Animate your voice – Avoid a monotone. Use dynamics. Your pitch should raise and lower. Your volume should be soft and loud. Listen to your local TV news anchor; take notes.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 08 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 14965
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 14745
3 MONTHS SELLER - $ 14750
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6666
Finding Files
Q: I have lots of stuff in my Favorites menu. It seems like I have to do a lot of scrolling just to find what I'm looking for. Do you of a quicker way?
A: If you click your Favorites folder and hundreds of web sites drop down. Well, here's a little trick that'll help:
Click the "Favorites" menu then hit the first letter of the favorite you're looking for. The first item with that letter will be highlighted.
If that isn't the right favorite, tap the letter again. The next favorite beginning with that letter will be highlighted. Once you land on the favorite you're trying to find, hit the Enter key.
The above also applies to your “My Documents” folder.
Now bid me run, and I will strive with things impossible -- yea, and get the better of them.- W. Shakespeare, from 'Julius Caesar'
Explained: Click on ‘START’, then ‘Run…’ look for ‘Microsoft ACCESS’, and forsooth, endeavour the impracticable effect – neigh, unfeasible viability notwithstanding.
Friday, July 08, 2005
This weekend I’ll be sending E-mail’s to my customers giving them a link to this BLOG. Thanks to those who have clicked on the link.
I really think that BLOGGING is going to become a useful tool for business and private use. A diary, photo album, catalogue whatever. Web sites have their place but most are stagnant pages. BLOGS are alive and easy to use and the bonus is they’re FREE! I’m hoping that in time, I’ll know exactly what my customers want and that I’ll be able to supply that information.
Click the heading to get your own BLOG
My LEXICON section is a poor excuse for humour. The original plan was to post a daily cartoon strip but unfortunately even my matchstick men are expressionless squiggles without character.
What is "passivation"?
When the amount of chromium (in an iron matrix) exceeds 10 ½%, a complex chrome oxide forms instantaneously that prevents the further diffusion of oxygen into the surface and results in the "passive" nature of stainless steel and its resistance to oxidation (or corrosion). A chemical "dip" into 10% nitric acid plus 2% hydrofluoric acid bath will enhance the development of this "passive" oxide.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
2. Slow down – People will perceive you as nervous and unsure of yourself if you talk fast. However, be careful not to slow down to the point where people begin to finish your sentences just to help you finish.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 07 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 14625
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 14450
3 MONTHS SELLER - $ 14470
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6594
Protect your files by using a screen saver password
Click Start, click Control Panel, double click Display
Selecting the On Resume, password protect will lock your computer when the screen saver is activated. When you begin working again, you will be prompted to type your password to unlock it.
Your screen saver password is the same as your logon password. If you do not use a password to log on, you cannot set a screensaver password.
Avoid colloquial stuff.
Explained: Circumvent your informal Email.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
My Son Alan is in London and naturally I was concerned. He phoned to say he was OK.
Click on the HEADING to send him a message
Is stainless steel magnetic?
There are several "types" of stainless steel. The 300 series (which contains nickel) is NOT magnetic. The 400 series (which just contains chromium and no nickel) ARE magnetic.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
1. Develop your voice – A high whiney voice is not perceived to be one of authority. In fact, a high soft voice can make you sound like prey to an aggressive co-worker who is out to make his/her career at the expense of anyone else. Begin doing exercises to lower the pitch of your voice. Here is one to start: Sing — but do it an octave lower on all your favorite songs. Practice this and, after a period of time, your voice will begin to lower.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 6 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $14755
3 MONTHS BUYER - $14510
3 MONTHS SELLER - $14525
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6648
Protect your computer with a password
Click Start, click Control Panel, double click User Accounts.
You’ll be asked to pick an account, choose yours. OWNER or whatever name you’ve given it.
Click on Create a password
You can also change your name, picture etc.
No sentence fragments.- Another English Lesson
Explained: If one enters a prison term and one finds oneself unequivocally forced to endure the full period without the benefit of endearing oneself unto the 28’s, therefore becoming a 26’er.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Oil prices still rising and our price has just gone up again. I wonder how this will effect us. Click the heading for the full story.
July 6, 2005
Oil Climbs Above $60 as U.S. Storm Hits Supply
Filed at 3:00 p.m. ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil prices hit a record $61 a barrel on Wednesday as a tropical storm shut refinery units in Louisiana and an approaching storm compounded worries over refiners' ability to bolster pre-winter fuel supplies.U.S. crude (CLc1) rose as high as $61.35 per barrel, the highest price for oil futures since they began trading in the early 1980s. It later traded $1.71 higher at $61.30 per barrel. London Brent rose $1.57 to $59.86 a barrel.
What is the difference between 304 and 316 stainless steel?
304 contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel. 316 contains 16% chromium, 10% nickel and 2% molybdenum. The "moly" is added to help resist corrosion to chlorides (like sea water and de-icing salts) See "Stainless Steel for Coastal and Salt Corrosion Applications" for more information.
We all try to make the most of our time, however, we also tend to operate in the same manner we have become accustomed to. Here are some simple changes you can make that will actually give you more precious free time. (One per day)
(Tip 10) Self motivate. Know when to reward yourself and celebrate the progress you made.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 05 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $14440
3 MONTHS BUYER - $14210
3 MONTHS SELLER - $14215
LME Official Opening Stock (in tones) NICKEL = 6816
To get a calculator on your screen: Go to 'START', then 'Run...', type in 'calc' and press Enter
Friends come and go but enemies accumulate.- Jone's Motto
Explained: One television show cannot and will not run through the medium of cyber space like the pendulum of time forever wary of the wars that were fought won and lost collectively stored in the mainframe.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
I found this in the New York Times, as the writer says, “Yeah, it’s cool.”
(Click the heading to go there)
Published: July 3, 2005
IN a nondescript optics lab in tucked into an anonymous office park in the San Fernando Valley, the photon hackers of Deep Light are showing me the future of media. The object of their affection is a small screen on which an animated gladiator is clashing scimitars with a horned monster in a Coliseum-like setting. But this isn't a flat cartoon image: it's full 3-D space, the combatants circling each other inches from my eyes so convincingly that my hand twinges to grab them - and I'm not wearing those clunky red-and-blue cardboard glasses, either. I'm seeing a 3-D image with the naked eye. My host, Deep Light's co-founder Dan Mapes, bounces on his heels, giggling with delight. "It's cool, isn't it?"
Yeah, it's cool.
Can stainless steel rust? Why?
Stainless does not "rust" as you think of regular steel rusting with a red oxide on the surface that flakes off. If you see red rust it is probably due to some iron particles that have contaminated the surface of the stainless steel and it is these iron particles that are rusting. Look at the source of the rusting and see if you can remove it from the surface. If the iron is embedded in the surface, you can try a solution of 10% nitric and 2% hydrofluoric acid at room temperature or slightly heated. Wash area well with lots and lots of water after use. Commercially available "pickling paste" can also be used. See "The Care and Cleaning of Stainless Steel" for more information.
We all try to make the most of our time, however, we also tend to operate in the same manner we have become accustomed to. Here are some simple changes you can make that will actually give you more precious free time. (One per Day)
Tip 9) Don't be a perfectionist. You get more things done when you realize everything does not have to be perfect.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 04 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $14350
3 MONTHS BUYER - $14270
3 MONTHS SELLER - $14275
LME Official Opening Stock (in tones) NICKEL = 6882
Scanning Old Photos
Colours: In greyscale mode, a scanner can only capture 256 levels of grey, while in colour mode it can capture up to 16.7 million colour variants. You will always get better results by scanning black-and-white photos in colour and then converting them to greyscale with your image editing software than to scan them directly in greyscale.
Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it only makes it worse- Finagle's Fourth Law
Explained: On one occasion, should a virus have infected the task lined up for printing, straightening out the scrunched up thesis, will not improve or advance your reputation amongst men.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Sticking with space:
Like some Space Age equivalent of WrestleMania, NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft is double-billed to tangle with Comet Tempel 1 on July 4. The mission is a two-part project: A “Flyby” vehicle will unleash an “Impactor” probe that will slam into the fast-moving comet.
The comet and Impactor will collide at about 23,000 mph.
Deep Impact is the first mission to make contact with a comet’s surface. The hope is to produce a crater in the large comet and reveal what is underneath the surface.
What is the difference between 18/8 and 18/10 stainless steel?
The first number is the amount of chromium that is contained in the stainless, i.e., 18 is 18% chromium. The second number is the amount of nickel, i.e., 8 stands for 8% nickel. So 18/8 means that this stainless steel contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel. 18/10 is 18% chromium and 10% nickel. The higher the numbers the more corrosion resistant the material. 18/0 is a misleading designation. Both 18/8 and 18/10 contain nickel and are part of the grade family "300 series" stainless. 18/0 means that there is 18% chromium but zero nickel. When there is no nickel the stainless grade family is the "400 series". 400 series are not as corrosion resistant as the 300 series and are magnetic, where the 300 series are non-magnetic.
10 Important Timesaving Tips
We all try to make the most of our time, however, we also tend to operate in the same manner we have become accustomed to. Here are some simple changes you can make that will actually give you more precious free time. (One per day)
(Tip 8) Let go of some things. Delegate things others can do and make the most of your talent.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 01 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $14660
3 MONTHS BUYER - $14530
3 MONTHS SELLER - $14535
LME Official Opening Stock (in tones) NICKEL = 7032
E-mail 'Forward as Attachment'
If you want to forward a message and don’t want the message to have the ” >” symbol before each line, choose ‘Message’ from the menu and then ‘Forward as Attachment’.
It would be as useless to perceive how things 'actually look' as it would be to watch the random dots on untuned television screens.- Marvin Minsky
Explained: To ineffectually distinguish the majestic origin of objects would metaphorically be compared to viewing the pixels of your 17” Monitor.
Friday, July 01, 2005
An asteroid almost destroying earth and only detected 3 days later? We wouldn’t have known what hit us.
Too Close for Comfort: Asteroid Passed Within 75,000 Miles of Earth An asteroid about the size of a football field made one of the closest known approaches to Earth on Friday, June 14, zooming by just 75,000 miles...
What makes stainless steel stainless?
Stainless steel must contain at least 10.5 % chromium. It is this element that reacts with the oxygen in the air to form a complex chrome-oxide surface layer that is invisible but strong enough to prevent further oxygen from "staining" (rusting) the surface. Higher levels of chromium and the addition of other alloying elements such as nickel and molybdenum enhance this surface layer and improve the corrosion resistance of the stainless material. See the "Stainless Steel Primer" for more information.
We all try to make the most of our time, however, we also tend to operate in the same manner we have become accustomed to. Here are some simple changes you can make that will actually give you more precious free time. (One per day)
(Tip 7) Know when you are at your best. If you are a morning person, make sure you take advantage of that time.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 30 June 2005
CASH BUYER - $14675
3 MONTHS BUYER - $14520
3 MONTHS SELLER - $14525
LME Official Opening Stock (in tones) NICKEL = 7248
E-mail – Protect Your Address Book
If you’re sending a message to more than one e-mail address, place all additional addresses in the Cc: or Bcc: line and put only your own address in the To: line. No one among your recipients will be able to see the addresses of the other recipients of your message, and spammers won’t have an easy list to add to their ill-gotten booty.
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.- Friedrich Nietzche
Explained: Eradication of a species such as the 386 obliges the upgrade to a superior motherboard.