Just a few questions to ask yourself .
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What's Your Dream Job?
Everybody probably has one, but not many folks know how to go about pinning it down. Here's help in figuring it out
"One day I'd like to..." How would you answer that question? Now is the time to fill in the blank, no matter how crazy or farfetched your answer might be. The responses just might provide a nugget of a dream-job
13. What does the term "CRES" mean?
Answer: CRES is something used to designate stainless steel. It stands for Corrosion RESistant steel. It does not necessarily mean that the steel is in fact stainless steel as there are other materials that are corrosion resistant but not stainless steel.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
`9. Don’t send mixed messages – Make your words, gestures, facial expressions, tone, and message match. Disciplining an employee while smiling sends a mixed message and, therefore, is ineffective. If you have to deliver a negative message, make your words, facial expressions, and tone match the message.
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CASH BUYER - $ 14525
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 14300
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Thanks again Steve… You won’t believe how many folders I have open while preparing my Blogs… Wim
Folder Jumpin'
I don't know about you, but I'm always jumping from one folder to another. First I was here, then I was there, then I thought I was here when I was really there, then I took a break and found some aspirin.
During said break, I realized that the folders I was hopping between were the same two or three folders all the time. Hmm...
So, I decided to make things easier on myself and create shortcuts to my main folders within each folder. That way, no matter which folder I was messing around with, the other ones were only a mouse click away.
How'd I do it? I dragged, I dropped, and I smiled (the last part is optional, but it does make you feel better :-)
Anyhow, here's the blow by blow:
To make this easier to follow, let's say you want to be able to jump from a folder named "work" to one named "fun". OK, ready?
1. First, using My Computer, open the "work" folder. Easy enough.
2. Next, open a second My Computer window and navigate to the folder you want to jump to—in this case the "fun" folder. However, this time, don't open the folder—just get to the point where you can grab it with your mouse.
3. Now, using your RIGHT mouse button, drag and drop the "fun" folder into the "work" folder. When you release the right mouse button, you'll get a little menu that lets you decide what to do with the item you're about to drop. Select "Create Shortcuts Here".
Again, be sure to right click or you'll end up moving the "fun" folder into the "work" folder.
That's it. With a click of your mouse, you can now jump from the "work" folder to the "fun" folder anytime you want. Since it may be useful to jump the other direction (like when the boss walks in), you may want to repeat the process, only this time put a shortcut to the "work" folder in the "fun" folder.
Whew, all this talk about jumping has me itching to find a bungee cord and a bridge (kidding).
~ Steve
Two and two continue to make four, in spite of the whine of the amateur for three, or the cry of the critic for five.- Jame McNeil Whistler
Explained: ∑= 4… Where A2 = 1 and A3 has a value of 2. A4 can in this situation or circumstance have an equivalent value thus: A4 = 2 and A5 = 3: The malevolence of Excel persisting to do so pending the misconstrued application of the $ sign as an absolute reference.
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