Parents, get your children to read... A book with 600 pages... Yeah, right!
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JUL. 17 4:35 P.M. ET
The new Harry Potter book sold an astonishing 6.9 million copies in its first 24 hours, smashing the record held by the previous Potter release. "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" averaged better than 250,000 sales per hour, more than the vast majority of books sell in a lifetime.
"This is a cause for celebration, not just for Scholastic, but for book lovers everywhere," said Lisa Holton, president of Scholastic Children's Books, Rowling's U.S. publisher.
Sales for the sixth installment of J.K. Rowling's fantasy series easily outpaced those for Potter V, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," which came out in 2003 and sold 5 million copies in the first 24 hours. Acknowledging that some stores quickly ran out of books two years ago, Scholastic has already increased the print run for "Half-Blood Prince" from 10.8 million copies to 13.5 million.The Scholastic numbers are for the United States only. Sales figures from Britain are expected Monday
What is the "annealed" condition?
Answer: Stainless steel is usually sold in the "annealed" condition. It just means that the material is in the "soft" or annealed condition. The 300 series of stainless steels can not be hardened by heat treatment (like carbon steels) but can be hardened by cold working. This cold work can be eliminated by a heating treatment (annealing) that will restore the original soft condition.
Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: (One per day)
8. Use gestures – Make your whole body talk. Use smaller gestures for individuals and small groups. The gestures should get larger as the group that one is addressing increases in size.
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 15 July 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 14450
3 MONTHS BUYER - $ 14300
3 MONTHS SELLER - $ 14305
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL = 6948
Useful Computer Tip I found on the internet. Thanks April…
Underline With Pizzazz In MS Word
Have you ever wished you had a better way to emphasize your point? (Besides raising your voice of course. MS Word seems pretty immune to that tactic.
You've done the normal bold, color change and underline thing. But, this time you're looking for a little something "extra". (Like the "sprinkles" my niece likes to decorate cakes with. Just that little extra touch.)
Good, because I've got a possible solution for you!
How about a different underline for a change of pace?
Instead of the old stand-by here's a few of the others you can try on for size:
So, now you that you know you have options, let's get to the "how to".
Once you've decided what text should be underlined, highlight it.
Now it's time to get busy with the underlining.
Go to the Format menu, Font choice. (Alt, O then F will also do the trick.)
On the Font tab locate the Underline field.
Take a good look.
Do you see it?
Did you notice the drop-down menu arrow?
Click it.
Note that this list has a scroll bar so the list contains more choices than you can see at once.
Either way - pick the underline style of your choice then click OK.
Presto Change-o!
You have an eye-catching underline that really packs a punch.
~ April
When all else fails, read the instructions.
- Cahn's Axiom
Explained: Be it Clippit, Rocky the Dog, Einstein the Genius or the F1 Key, One will be steered into a labyrinth of associated links proving that the artificial intelligence provided will silently ascertain if one desires to “see more”!
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