Thursday, June 30, 2005


ThyssenKrupp makes 20 pct cut in European stainless steel capacity ...Forbes - 5 hours agoDUISBURG, Germany (AFX) - ThyssenKrupp AG said it is cutting stainless steel production by a total of around 120,000 metric tonnes in Europe in the third quarter…

With a glut of stainless flat products it could mean that Columbus will look after the local industry and drop their prices… LOL… A price increase must be on the way. Industry is funny like that.

Although Platinum is not an alloying element for Stainless it’s interesting to see how it is used for the catalytic converters in the stainless steel exhaust systems. Also the Platinum refinery has and is using tons of stainless in their plant.
Atomic Number: 78
Atomic Weight: 195.078
Melting Point: 2041.55 K (1768.4°C or 3215.1°F)
Boiling Point: 4098 K (3825°C or 6917°F)
Density: 21.46 grams per cubic centimeter
What's in a name? From the Spanish word for silver, platina.
History and Uses:
Used by the pre-Columbian Indians of South America, platinum wasn't noticed by western scientists until 1735. Platinum can occur free in nature and is sometimes found in deposits of gold-bearing sands, primarily those found in the Ural mountains, Columbia and the western United States. Platinum, in the form of the mineral sperrylite (PtAs2), is also obtained as a byproduct of the nickel mining operation in the Sudbury region of Ontario, Canada. Credit for the modern rediscovery of platinum is usually given to Antonio de Ulloa.
Platinum is a soft, dense, ductile metal that is very resistant to corrosion. It is used to make jewelry, wire, electrical contacts and laboratory vessels. Platinum expands at nearly the same rate as soda-lime-silica glass, so it is used to make sealed electrodes in glass systems. Platinum is used to coat missile nose cones, jet engine fuel nozzles and other devices that must operate reliably for long periods of time at high temperatures. Platinum resistance wires are used in high temperature electric furnaces. Platinum anodes are used in cathodic protection systems to prevent ships, pipelines and steel piers from corroding in salt water.
Platinum is widely used as a catalyst. It will convert methyl alcohol vapors (CH4O) into formaldehyde (CH2O) on contact, glowing red hot in the process. This effect is used to make small hand warmers. Platinum is also used in a device called a catalytic converter, a device found in the exhaust systems of most cars. Catalytic converters combine carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned fuel from a car's exhaust with oxygen from the air, forming carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O). Platinum is also used as a catalyst in the production of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and in the cracking of petroleum products. Fuel cells, devices that combine hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity and water, also use platinum as a catalyst.

10 Important Timesaving Tips
We all try to make the most of our time, however, we also tend to operate in the same manner we have become accustomed to. Here are some simple changes you can make that will actually give you more precious free time (One per Day)
Tip 6) Make time for interruptions. Don't plan your day so tightly that you don't have the flexibility to handle an emergency or enjoy an important moment.

LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 29 June 2005
CASH BUYER - $14690
3 MONTHS BUYER - $14600
3 MONTHS SELLER - $14625
LME Official Opening Stock (in tones) NICKEL = 7290

You’re not confined to the templates supplied with an office suite. You can create your own or modify the ones provided. If, for example, you create a custom letterhead or invoice style for your Company, save it as a template so you can use it again. You can semi automate the template by including date fields that update themselves when the template is loaded.

We forgive once we give up attachment to our wounds.- Lewis Hyde
Explained: The computer exonerates as we disregard the sentimental affection we have to lost files. It can be done again

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I found this on the Internet looking for some stainless information France Chosen To Host Experimental Fusion Reactor Project: The project is expected to cost up to $13 billion to develop. Nuclear fusion is a process that is being seen as mankind's bright new hope for boundless sources of clean energy. The project's supporters say the prize is worth the effort. They say 1 kilogram of fusion fuel would produce the same amount of energy as 10 million kilograms of fossil fuel… Fuel for thought?
I’ll be going to Secunda tomorrow and also to Eskom Kriel. Makes you wonder… Will Sasol and Eskom still be around or do we just each buy a milligram of Fusion Fuel to last us a lifetime.


Table of Elements

Atomic Number: 18
Atomic Weight: 39.948
Melting Point: 83.80 K (-189.35°C or -308.83°F)
Boiling Point: 87.30 K (-185.85°C or -302.53°F)
Density: 0.0017837 grams per cubic centimeter
Phase at Room Temperature: Gas
Element Classification: Non-metal
Group Name: Noble Gas

What's in a name? From the Greek word for inactive, argos.

History and Uses:
Argon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Lord Rayleigh, an English chemist, in 1894. Argon makes up 0.93% of the earth's atmosphere, making it the third most abundant gas. Argon is obtained from the air as a byproduct of the production of oxygen and nitrogen.
Argon is frequently used when an inert atmosphere is needed. It is used to fill incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs to prevent oxygen from corroding the hot filament. Argon is also used to form inert atmospheres for arc welding, growing semiconductor crystals and processes that require shielding from other atmospheric gases.

10 Important Timesaving Tips
We all try to make the most of our time, however, we also tend to operate in the same manner we have become accustomed to. Here are some simple changes you can make that will actually give you more precious free time. One per Day
Tip 5) Minimize the clutter you surround yourself with. Spend 30 minutes each week getting rid of distractions

LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 28 June 2005
CASH BUYER - $14515
3 MONTHS BUYER - $14900
3 MONTHS SELLER - $14920
LME Official Opening Stock (in tones) NICKEL = 7368

If you want to add a comment to text and don’t want to print it highlight the text and choose Comment from the insert menu. A separate window appears at the bottom of the screen for you to type the comment. When you close this window, the commented text is coloured, and the comment itself will pop up when the pointer rests on the coloured text.

Private faces in public places are wiser and nicer than public faces in private places.- W. H. Auden
Explained: Keep family photo’s safely stored in ‘My Pictures’ or your ‘Desktop’ and keep downloaded internet pictures confined to passwords and concealed files.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Pounds, Shillings and Pence

The stay-away seems to have been quite well attended looking at the newspapers and T.V. It seems to me that the strong Rand is upsetting a lot of people. Now, all these years I used to act concerned (I don’t know why) about the devaluation of the Rand and did my bit to fight inflation. How often I’ve mentioned (to younger people FYI) that I remember when the Pound was £1/0/- = R2.00. For those who think there’s a typo there, it’s quite correct, England had not yet metricated and the sign means Pounds, Shillings and Pence. But, I digress. A week Rand, it appears, is a good thing. Petrol going up to near R5.50 with a strong Rand. It’ll be interesting to see the petrol price when the Rand = $8.50.


Atomic Number: 22
Atomic Weight: 47.867
Melting Point: 1941 K (1668°C or 3034°F)
Boiling Point: 3560 K (3287°C or 5949°F)
Density: 4.5 grams per cubic centimeter

What's in a name? From the Greek word Titans, the mythological "first sons of the Earth
History and Uses:
Titanium was discovered in 1791 by the Reverend William Gregor, an English pastor. Pure titanium was first produced by Matthew A. Hunter, an American metallurgist, in 1910. Titanium is the ninth most abundant element in the earth's crust and is primarily found in the minerals rutile (TiO2), ilmenite (FeTiO3) and sphene (CaTiSiO5). Titanium makes up about 0.57% of the earth's crust.Titanium is a strong, light metal. It is as strong as steel and twice as strong as aluminum, but is 45% lighter than steel and only 60% heavier than aluminum. Titanium is not easily corroded by sea water and is used in propeller shafts, rigging and other parts of boats that are exposed to sea water. Titanium and titanium alloys are used in airplanes, missiles and rockets where strength, low weight and resistance to high temperatures are important. Since titanium does not react within the human body, it is used to create artificial hips, pins for setting bones and for other biological implants. Unfortunately, the high cost of titanium has limited its widespread use.Titanium oxide (TiO2) is used as a pigment to create white paint and accounts for the largest use of the element. Pure titanium oxide is relatively clear and is used to create titania, an artificial gemstone. Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4), another titanium compound, has been used to make smoke screens.A final bit of titanium trivia -- titanium is the only element that will burn in an atmosphere of pure nitrogen.

We all try to make the most of our time, however, we also tend to operate in the same manner we have become accustomed to. Here are some simple changes you can make that will actually give you more precious free time. (One per Day)
Tip 4.) Practice saying no. You shouldn't do everything and can't anyway.

LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 27 June 2005
CASH BUYER - $14515
3 MONTHS BUYER - $14375
3 MONTHS SELLER - $14400
LME Official Opening Stock (in tones) Nickel = 7794

The Pound Sign £:
Hold down the Alt Key and type 0163 on the numeric key pad, let go. Alt+0163 = £

A little ignorance can go a long way.... in the direction of maximum harm.- Gerrold's Law (with Lyall's Addendum)
Explained: A diminutive lack of comprehension can inevitably steer one into a course of complete deletion or reformatting of ones “C” drive

Monday, June 27, 2005



I’ve just installed a Web Counter to my Blog and now at least I can see how much traffic I’m getting. The occasional click of the REFRESH button also helps, so I’ll be clicking it quite frequently.

Today’s mass stay-away didn’t seem to affect our industry too much, or at least our Company, as everyone arrived at work. It seems the local tube mills have put in their applications against imports.



Atomic Number: 42
Atomic Weight: 95.94
Melting Point: 2896 K (2623°C or 4753°F)
Boiling Point: 4912 K (4639°C or 8382°F)
Density: 10.2 grams per cubic centimeter

What's in a name? From the Greek word for lead, molybdos.

History and Uses:

Molybdenum was discovered by Carl Welhelm Scheele, a Swedish chemist, in 1778 in a mineral known as molybdenite (MoS2) which had been confused as a lead compound. Molybdenum was isolated by Peter Jacob Hjelm in 1781. Today, most molybdenum is obtained from molybdenite, wulfenite (PbMoO4) and powellite (CaMoO4). These ores typically occur in conjunction with ores of tin and tungsten. Molybdenum is also obtained as a byproduct of mining and processing tungsten and copper.
Molybdenum has a high melting point and is used to make the electrodes of electrically heated glass furnaces. Some electrical filaments are also made from molybdenum. The metal is used to make some missile and aircraft parts and is used in the nuclear power industry. Molybdenum is also used as a catalyst in the refining of petroleum.
Molybdenum is primarily used as an alloying agent in steel. When added to steel in concentrations between 0.25% and 8%, molybdenum forms ultra-high strength steels that can withstand pressures up to 300,000 pounds per square inch. Molybdenum also improves the strength of steel at high temperatures. When alloyed with nickel, molybdenum forms heat and corrosion resistant materials used in the chemical industry.
Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2), one of molybdenum's compounds, is used as a high temperature lubricant. Molybdenum trioxide (MoO3), another molybdenum compound, is used to adhere enamels to metals. Other molybdenum compounds include: molybdic acid (H2MoO4), molybdenum hexafluoride (MoF6) and molybdenum phosphide (MoP2).


10 Important Timesaving Tips
We all try to make the most of our time, however, we also tend to operate in the same manner we have become accustomed to. Here are some simple changes you can make that will actually give you more precious free time. (1 Tip per day)

Tip 3) Get rid of unnecessary activities. Don't be afraid to take these off your list!

LME official prices (US$/tonne) for 24 June 2005

CASH BUYER - $14950
3 MONTHS BUYER - $14850
3 MONTHS SELLER - $14875
LME Official Opening Stock (in tones) NICKEL = 7866

(Excel)... Percentages
To increase a number by a percentage, you can increase a numeric value stored in a cell by a percentage such as 5% e.g. F5 contains the original value:
If the % amount is stored in another cell e.g. in F2


You can tell the size of a man by the size of the thing that makes him mad.
Explained: Acquaint oneself with the magnitude of the hard drive and the unsolicited pop-up’s in one’s Browser

Friday, June 24, 2005


Wim’s Desk
I purchased a Lexmark Scanner/Copier/ Printer today. I really only wanted a scanner as I have a laser printer and I’m not keen on Lexmark products at all. But, for R599 I felt I had to take the Lexmark as the HP Scanner (a cheap one) was R499. Now I have most of the tools to do the job. No more excuses.

Know Your Stainless

Atomic Number: 28
Atomic Weight: 58.6934
Melting Point: 1728 K (1455°C or 2651°F)
Boiling Point: 3186 K (2913°C or 5275°F)
Density: 8.912 grams per cubic centimeter

What's in a name?
From the German word Nickel, which means "Old Nick," a name for the devil. Also from the German word for the mineral niccolite, kupfernickel, which means "Old Nick's copper."

History and Uses:
Nickel was discovered by the Swedish chemist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt in the mineral niccolite (NiAs) in 1751. Today, most nickel is obtained from the mineral pentlandite (NiS·2FeS). Most of the world's supply of nickel is mined in the Sudbury region of Ontario, Canada. It is believed that this large deposit of nickel ore is a result of an ancient meteor impact.
Nickel is a hard, corrosion resistant metal. It can be electroplated onto other metals to form a protective coating. Finely divided nickel is used as a catalyst for the hydrogenation of vegetable oils. Adding nickel to glass gives it a green color. A single kilogram of nickel can be drawn into 300 kilometers of wire. Nickel is also used to manufacture some types of coins and batteries.
Nickel is alloyed with other metals to improve their strength and resistance to corrosion. Nickel is alloyed with steel to make armor plate, vaults and machine parts. It is alloyed with copper to make pipes that are used in desalination plants. Very powerful permanent magnets, known as Alnico magnets, can be made from an alloy of aluminum, nickel, cobalt and iron.

Self Improvement
10 Important Timesaving Tips
We all try to make the most of our time, however, we also tend to operate in the same manner we have become accustomed to. Here are some simple changes you can make that will actually give you more precious free time. (One per Day)

Tip 2) Prioritize the things on your list. Tackle the most important jobs first. If a job is too large, break it down into smaller steps.

Nickel Price
LME Official Prices (US$/ tonne ) for 23 June 2005
CASH BUYER - $ 15,350
3 MONTHS BUYER - $15175
LME Official Opening Stock (in tones) NICKEL = 8010

Computer Tips
Auto Correct
Auto correct can save you a lot of time when you have something that you type often, like your name and address, your letterhead or a graphic. It’s supposed to be for correcting spelling mistakes, but it can also store formatted text pictures. It will insert the required data as you type.

Highlight the data you want to insert automatically (like your name, address phone & fax number)and in tools, on the menu bar, choose AutoCorrect and select the AutoCorrect tab. In REPLACE box, type the letters or numbers you want replaced every time you type them. e.g. wimadrs. It should be a mis-spelt word you would use purely for this purpose, so, when you type, it is automatically replaced.

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.
Explained: You can change the ‘skin’ of your Media Player, but copying MP3’s is illegal

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Wim’s Desk
It’s always difficult to come out with something new and then test the idea on people you know. The fear of ridicule is a real one. In this instance I’ve got my age going for me as I’m at a stage where I don’t get too embarrassed about things I do. My Kids would cringe. So what if this Blog is a load of rubbish, I enjoy doing it and I hope that there will be a few customers who find it useful. The downright stupid parts will hopefully amuse.


Atomic Number: 24
Atomic Weight: 51.9961
Melting Point: 2180 K (1907°C or 3465°F)
Boiling Point: 2944 K (2671°C or 4840°F)
Density: 7.15 grams per cubic centimeter

What's in a name? From the Greek word for color, chroma.

History and Uses:

Chromium was discovered by Louis-Nicholas Vauquelin while experimenting with a material known as Siberian red lead, also known as the mineral crocoite (PbCrO4), in 1797. He produced chromium oxide (CrO3) by mixing crocoite with hydrochloric acid (HCl). Although he believed a method for isolating chromium didn't yet exist, Vauquelin was pleasantly surprised in 1798 to discover that he was able to obtain metallic chromium by simply heating chromium oxide in a charcoal oven. Today, chromium is primarily obtained by heating the mineral chromite (FeCr2O4) in the presence of aluminum or silicon.
Chromium is a blue-white metal that is hard, brittle and very corrosion resistant. Chromium can be polished to form a very shiny surface and is often plated to other metals to form a protective and attractive covering. Chromium is added to steel to harden it and to form stainless steel, a steel alloy that contains at least 10% chromium. Other chromium-steel alloys are used to make armor plate, safes, ball bearings and cutting tools.
most abundant compound in the earth's crust

10 Important Timesaving Tips

We all try to make the most of our time, however, we also tend to operate in the same manner we have become accustomed to. Here are some simple changes you can make that will actually give you more precious free time. (One per Day)

Tip 1) Take the time to make a list and plan. Although unappealing, this is always time well spent.

LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 22 Jun 2005
CASH BUYER - $15825
3 MONTHS BUYER - $15670
3 MONTHS SELLER - $15700
LME Official Opening Stock (in tones) NICKEL = 8058

Excel – Formula to join 2 cells into 1 cell
e.g. Join first name and last name where D5 has the 1st Name and E5 has the last name:
In the cell where you want the full name type =D5&” “&E5

It was always thus; and even if 'twere not, 'twould inevitably have been always thus.- Dean Lattimer
Explained: Constantly, as a consequence, sometimes you do and sometimes you don’t. Inexorably when you don’t… Your hard drive crashes. Moral: Always back-up your files.


Wim’s Desk
After having tested the idea and trying out quite a few posts since October 2004, this is finally the official thing. Now all I need to do is make it public and get visitors. I’d like your comments on subjects and content and how to improve this site. I’m sure you will find it useful, entertaining and interesting. Information taken from other web sites will have links directly to that site.

Know Your Stainless
“L” Grade (Low Carbon) Stainless Steels
The common austenitic grades of stainless steel, 304 and 316, are also available with controlled low or high carbon contents, known as "L" and "H" variants, with particular applications. Low carbon or "L" grades are used to prevent or delay sensitisation of stainless steel at elevated temperatures and the resulting lower corrosion resistance. The problematic temperature zone is 450-850°C, encountered during welding or specific application environments. "L" grades are often available in thicker selection sizes, greater than about 5mm in flat products.WHAT "L" GRADES ARE, AND WHY THEY ARE USEDThe low carbon "L" grades are used where high temperature exposure will occur, including welding of medium or heavy sections. The low carbon is one way of delaying or preventing grain boundary carbide precipitation (often referred to as sensitisation) which can result in intergranular corrosion in corrosive service environments. There is an incubation time before the precipitation of carbides at temperatures in the range of about 450-850°C. The time for precipitation to occur is highly dependent upon the amount of carbon present in the steel, so low carbon content increases resistance to this problem. Because of their application area the "L" grades are most readily available in plate and pipe, but often also in round bar. In the absence of heavy section welding, or of high temperature exposure, the corrosion resistances of the standard and "L" grades are usually identical.

Self Improvement
The Setting of Goals
Every book on motivation tells you the importance of setting goals. Todays tip is no different… The best Goal a person could have is to set goals. Go head, set one small goal for today.

Nickel Price
21June 2005 11h45
Official Prices US$ / tonne
CASH BUYER $16,225.00
3-MONTHS BUYER $16,070.00
3-MONTHS SELLER $16,075.00
LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes) NICKEL= 7980

Computer Tips
The Euro € Sign
To type the Euro Sign” € “ hold down the Alt key and type 0128 on the numeric key pad then let go the Alt key. Alt+0128 = €

The Astute Jammy Lexicon Explicated.
Wise words explained.
Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.
-Mark Twain
Explained: An Excel Spreadsheet does not Morph well