Wim's Desk
I haven't posted a blog for quite awhile as I spent so much time every night and weekend preparing a post. For all my effort, I didn't even get one comment. No one I called on afterwards said anything... I hope they didn't feel too embarassed for me. Anyway, I've decided to give it another go. I won't be posting every day as before but I'll try 2 or 3 per week. I'll be experimenting with the format and style and who knows, I might just discover the right combination. My original intention was not to use this blog as a direct advertising tool, rather an information site, giving useful links and information found on the web. I suppose one section showing stock-just-in wouldn't be too bad.
Natal Stainless Steel News
We have received our stock of heavy plate as well as the wide sheets.
6mtr. x 2mtr. plates from 3mm thick to 12mm thick
2500 x 1250 plates up to 50mm thick
Grades 304(L) and 316(L)
Phone or Fax Kevin or Eric for details
Tel (011) 824-0401
Fax (011) 824-0400