Sunday, April 17, 2005

Reliable • Professional • Organised

Reliable • Professional • Organised
Monday ... Have to prepare
this week we will be arranging the move to our new factory. We have to work next weekend, the public holiday and the following weekend. Probably Monday the 1st as well... Oh Boy!...

Monday, April 11, 2005

Post Card

Blog Posts which might interest you:
Low Carbon Stainless Steel - What's the difference
Welding of Stainless
Chemically cleaning stainless
Interesting statistics
Nickle PRICE

Sunday, April 03, 2005

At Last - April 2005 and back on line

At last - April 2005, I've been off line for about 4 months now. Ridiculous! Anyway, now for some serious planning and getting this thing going and working as a tool to generate business and respect in the stainless steel industry.